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9 cleaning tips for people with allergies

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With spring coming right around the corner, you might be thinking about your allergies.  Here are some top tricks and tips on how to clean if you or someone else in your home suffers from allergies.

⭐ Find a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter

If you are someone who suffers from allergies, you should look for a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter.

These filters are meant for people with allergies because they ensure that the dust that is picked up off the floor doesn’t end up back into the air and straight to your lungs.


It is also very important for someone who has allergies to make sure that they dust every single day.   One of the brands that offer unique and effective dusting products is Swiffer.

Open the windows

This cleaning tip may seem unconventional, but it’s helpful.  Opening the windows while you clean allows all of the chemicals from your cleaners to make their way outside.

Tip * don’t forget to dust or wipe down the top of your window sills.

They can be difficult to reach, but your vacuum cleaner should have an attachment that lets you reach greater heights.

Wipe down the television

One of the common places that dust and dirt can collect without you realizing is it your television.  This is especially true for people who have larger sets.

You can either dust your television with a duster or use a disinfecting wipe.  The benefit of the disinfecting wipes is that they are wet so they can give your T.V a deeper clean.

Steam Mops

One of the best cleaning tools for people who suffer from allergies are steam mops.  They are great because they don’t require you to use any harsh chemicals or solutions.

You will also save on the money that you would have had to spend on cleaning solutions and refills for your cleaners.

The unique thing about steam mops is that they use water and heat in order to clean. Therefore, you know exactly what you are putting on your floors when you clean.  Using heat and water is one of the most natural ways that you can clean up your home.